‘Tunnel Hill’ is a 1005 ha coastal property with soils ranging from river silt to sand dunes. The main enterprises are Sheep, Beef, Forestry and Maize. The biggest strength of the farm, due mainly to soil type, is the winter and all systems are set up to utilise this.
Tunnel Hill aims to be a sustainable, environmentally focused business that delivers a superior product to you, our customer.
In 2022 we were the proud Supreme Winners of the Balance Farm Environmental Awards for the Horizons region as well as winners of the Beef and Lamb Market Leader Award 2022.
We finish dairy beef heifers to 240kg carcass.
We run 300 Angus cows mated to Hereford bulls, with all calves sold as weaners. Brewer Farms, one of the families supplying Coastal Spring Lamb have purchased our annual draft of weaner steers for over 20 years.
We finish our weaner heifers over one winter to 250kg carcass. Our replacement heifers are purchased from Te Mania Angus Stud in the South Island.
We currently run 3500 ewes and start lambing in June. Our warm coastal location and free draining soils create the perfect environment for early lambing.
We grow 90 ha of maize grain on our alluvial soils. Just over 1350 tons of maize grain is produced annually, which is used in the dairy and poultry sectors. Tunnel Hill won the Pioneer Manawatu/Rangitikei Maize Grain Competition in 2011 with a yield of 19.19 tons per hectare.
As part of our environmental plan for Tunnel Hill we are systematically fencing off our erosion prone sand dunes and planting them in pine trees. To date, we have planted 250 ha. The trees provide shelter and shade for the livestock, in addition to the soil stabilisation benefits.
We are proud to host 50 ha of natural wetlands which we have fenced off and are enhancing with native plantings.
Fish passageways throughout the farm have been reviewed and enhanced allowing our native fish species to pass through the property and spawn.